
Market Commentary – May 24, 2021

The Markets What do markets hate? They hate uncertainty, and recently there has been plenty of it. Some of the questions plaguing economists and pundits include: Why aren’t people returning to work? Americans, like people in other parts of the world, have not been rejoining the workforce at the pace many had anticipated. One of

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Confidence is Back

Some big news recently was the announcement from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) that fully vaccinated Americans can resume normal activities without wearing masks or social distancing, except where required by law. People are more than ready to return to normal. Results from the latest Axios-Ipsos Coronavirus survey, conducted in early May, found Americans

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Time and Money

We’ve all heard the phrase “time is money.” But what does that really mean? And why does it matter? Time is the most precious of all resources. Once spent, it can never be reclaimed. Money is certainly a critical resource as well. So, the fact that time and money are two of life’s most important

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